腊八蒜 “腊月翡翠”的解密 Laba Garlic

腊八蒜/ Laba Garlic,可以说是北方冬天的一个特色美食了。腊八蒜的做法非常简单,影响腊八蒜品质的主要因素是:温度,醋酸和光照。这期视频分享了腊八蒜变色的原理,这样我们就能精准的控制腊八蒜的颜色和口味。低温,醋酸和避光,这三个要点记住了,就能做出碧绿如翡翠的腊八蒜。让腊八蒜快速变绿的窍门是用温热的醋来提高初始温度,这种做法能加快变绿的速度。如果喜欢吃酸甜口的,可以加一点捣碎的冰糖在里面。 腊八蒜的做法: 冷藏过的大蒜 适量 米醋 适量 (70度的温热醋可加快变绿) 室温避光保存1~2周,4~25度都可以 温馨提示: 因为有醋酸,所以最好不用金属的盖子。如果用金属盖,可以在封口处垫一层保鲜膜,防止金属盖下锈 How to make Laba garlic: Garlic that has been fridged Rice vinegar (Warm rice vinegar no higher than 70C will speed up the greening) Keep in a dark place at room temperature (4~25C preferred) Reminder: Metal lids may rust due to the vinegar. If using metal ones, it is better to line the mouth of the bottle with a plastic wrap before putting on the lids 腊八蒜,腊八蒜的做法,Laba Garlic
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