Steel Monsters Attack. All episodes in a row about Karl Dor Ratte KV-6 KV-44

This tank cartoon consists of all episodes of “Steel Monsters Attack” and one additional episode about the beginning of the story. The cartoon tells us a story about all Steel Monsters such as Karl, Dora, Ratte, TG, KV-6 and KV-44. Some of them such as Karl and Dora (Gustav) took a part in WWII. TG-5 and Ratte have only blueprints. KV-6 and KV-44 have never existed. Thanks for watching my cartoons about tanks! Help me to get more subscribers. Please hit like, subscribe to my channel and don’t forget to share with your friends! Quick link to subscribe: No tanks were harmed during the making this cartoon! :) Our Social Links: Facebook: Twitter: Telegram: Music: #Steel_Monsters_Attack #AnsyArts #cartoons_about_tanks #tanks_cartoons #tanks #World_of_Tanks #Ratte #Karl #KV-4
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