Star Wars Theme | Harmonica Cover | Perfect Fourth
“Star Wars (Main Title)”
Chromatic Harmonica: Cy Leo
Chromatic Harmonica: Ivan Chong
Double-Bass Harmonica: Jerry Wong
Chord Harmonica: Ramiel Leung
Composer: John Williams
Harmonica-Cover Arranger: Cy Leo
Perfect Fourth is a traditional musical term representing a unique relation between two pitches. While the use of it has been prevalent even in the European middle ages, the stacking of fourths is also often used nowadays to create chords and progressions with a sense of modernity.
The Perfect Fourth Harmonica Quartet aims at creating a modern and fashionable performance style on the basis of their invaluable traditional influence.
Perfect Fourth - 完全四度,是傳統音樂術語,用於描述兩個音高之間的獨特關係。這個詞的起源可以追溯到中世紀的歐洲;而當今的音樂家亦會用 Perfect Fourth 來塑造不同的樂句,尤其很多現代音樂中利用全四度的疊加創造出具有現代感的和弦和進程。
Perfect Fourth 口琴四重奏旨在於傳統的基礎上創造一種現代時尚的表演風格。
Perfect Fourth Harmonica Quartet
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