British We Are British We Stay (1964)

Happy to be British. L/S of London airport. L/S of . (British Overseas Airways Company). M/S of Sir Joshua. Hassan and Mr Isola on the tarmac. C/U Sir Joshua (Chief member of the Legislative Council) . M/S the two men. L/S Gibraltar. Various shots of the town. M/S of sailors walking towards the camera. M/S of the flower sellers. M/S of girl looking in shop window. C/Us of watches in shop window. L/S of the main street. C/U of street name ’Paradise Ramp’. L/S of the town and harbour. L/S of the tip of the rock. Various shots of the Apes. L/S of water cachements. L/S looking towards Spain. L/S Fence at frontier. M/S of Spanish guards checking passports. M/S of Spaniards streaming through. L/S road near the check point of the rock in the background. C/U sign ’Welcome to Gibraltar’. L/S of the harbour and docks. L/S of British ship tied up. L/S of the aircraft carrier ’Eagle’. L/S of girls entering factory owned by Sir Peter Russo. Shots of the girls at work on sewing machines. Several shots of
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