RELIGION: Tibet seeks new Lama (1938)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Remarkable pictures from the Land of Mystery, whose people are seeking new spiritual ruler, a baby aged two. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Tibet seeks new Lama TIBET: Pan of intr. Lama on throne in b-g. CU Lama on platform on divan in Temple. Gen. view monastery on Chorten with gold roof. Gen. view German passenger plane lands...& taxiis to desolate countryside. Semi view monastery prayer wheel. Gen. view prayer wheels. CU Prayer hieroglyphics. CU pilgrim with prayer beads. CU woman showing braids. High semi views pilgrims on march. Gen. view pilgrims prostrating themselves..& semi view. CU woman prostrating herself..(pilgrims travel each steps a body’s length). Semi view Young Buddha God in his tent (Jama Japa). Group l. to r. Elder Brother of God, Buddha God & Harrison Forman. CU Jamo Japa aroun
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