What if our House was made of Bread? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

If our House was made of Bread: Rats will be overjoyed. Everyone will start taking a bite, our house will not last for long. Breads are generally very porous, water may easily start leaking downstairs. People who love Bread may put on a lot of weight. People who love to eat Jam-Bread may always carry a jam bottle with them. Even a tiny earthquake and our house will be all gone. Bread goes rotten in a few days, living in a rotten house will not be an easy task. Thieves may get so engrossed in eating that they may completely forget about stealing. Aliens who love Bread may never leave our house. Sellers of Bread will have to shut their shop. Timecodes 0:00 - What if our House was made of Bread? 1:35 - Is it safe to eat Moldy Bread? 2:36 - Why are some people Allergic? 3:51 - Is Fermented Food good for us? 5:01 - How do Hormones work? 6:09 - Why do we Shrink With Age? 7:18 - What if we Dump Trash into Volcanoes? 8:46 - What if all the Nitrogen Disappeared? Buy AumSum Merchandise:
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