[FULL FOOTAGE] Paria Divers Pipeline Delta P Incident GoPro Footage

[CAUTION: DISTRESSING FOOTAGE/AUDIO] [Note: Manual Subtitles are not an official transcript, and are my own personal attempt at transcribing. There may be inaccuracies in the wording used.] The footage you’re seeing was recorded off of a screen by TTT during a viewing at the Commission of Enquiry. A note: I have uploaded this in the hopes that it may raise awareness into the tragedy that occurred at the Paria Fuel Trading Company, as I believe this incident is under-represented and the world should see what these men had to endure. If any of my details in the description below are incorrect, please do let me know in the comments so that I may correct it. My heart goes out to Chris, the families of the divers, and everyone in Trinidad affected by this tragedy. On February 25th, 2022, five divers were sent into a hyperbaric chamber (Referred to as a “dry habitat“) environment located just beneath the surface of the ocean at Paria Fuel Trading Company Ltd at Pointe-a-Pierre. The five divers Fyzal Kurban, Kazim Ali Jr, Rishi Nagassar, Yusuf Henry and Christopher Boodram were conducting maintenance to add a riser to a pipe that connected to an undersea oil pipeline. Diver Kazim Ali was wearing a GoPro camera, the footage of which is seen in this video. As they were conducting this operation, a pressure differential occurred leading to a physical phenomenon known as “Delta P“. Delta P is a well recognised danger in the diving and underwater world that occurs when the environmental pressure of one space varies so greatly from the pressure of another, that it creates an immensely powerful ’suction vortex’, which can be inhibiting, or even fatal. The divers were immediately sucked into the pipeline in an instant, as is evident in the footage, and were carried vertically down the underwater pipe, and then trajected horizontally along the pipe some distance (It is hard to gauge exactly how long, but more than 120 feet as this is where the stuck diving equipment was located). When the divers came to rest, they were laying on their backs in a section of pitch-black pipe that appeared to be slightly raised, creating an air pocket. The oil and sediment in this pipe in the air pocket areas was approximately 6-8 inches deep, and the diameter of the pipe was 30 inches (A bit smaller than the size of a hula hoop.) Diver Christopher Boodram, recognising that it was not safe to remain in the pipe, began to encourage the other divers to form a human chain, where each member would interlock their feet under the next persons shoulders, allowing them to ’pull each other along’ to escape. The divers had no light source, no breathing apparatus, they were unable to open their eyes as they were burning, their lungs were burning, and their ears were ringing. As Christopher and Fyzal began to shuffle along the pipe, Christopher noted that the liquid level was growing higher as they moved further along. He recognised the danger that they would become submerged in liquid should one continue to shuffle further into the pipe. Christopher, laying on his back and with no breathing apparatus, and no vision, bravely proceeded into the liquid, and most fortunately discovered that two scuba breathing tanks that had been sucked into the pipe with them, lay nearby. These scuba tanks saved Christophers life, and had they not been there, they would not have been able to escape. Equipping these, Christopher and Fyzal were able to proceed underwater into the oil filled section of pipe until reaching another air pocket inside the pipe. At this stage, Fyzal indicated that he no longer wished to proceed further. Christopher maintained that they must keep going to escape, and continued on alone, promising to send help as soon as he could. After many hours of shuffling, Christopher reached an L bend in the pipe where he was able to shuffle vertically upright before coming to a dead end. Christopher began banging on the pipe to indicate that he was inside. A diver on the outside heard the banging, and knocked in response, to which Christopher responded with more knocking, and it was established to the diver that Christopher was inside. The top of the pipe was opened and Christopher was rescued. He notified those on the surface that the other divers were not far down and still alive, and urged for a rescue to take place. The rescue diver performed a search of the pipe and reported finding scuba tanks about 80 feet inside. Autopsies revealed that other divers were alive for at least 3 days following the incident. Banging was also observed from the pipe in this time. May Fyzal Kurban, Kazim Ali Jr, Rishi Nagassar, Yusuf Henry Rest in Peace. Sources: Commission Of Enquiry Into Paria-LMCS Diving Tragedy as featured by TTT Live Surviving Diver Christopher Boodrams testimony:
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