How to create AMBIENT Lo-Fi and PSYCHEDELIC Music | ON A BUDGET #1

PEDALS: - CALINE Time Space CP-17: - CALINE Ghost Rain CP-41: - CALINE Ragnarok CP-80: - POWER: Caline CP-02: GUITAR: Fender Stratocaster AMP: Orange Crush 35 LDX HOW TO CREATE AMBIENT LO-FI AND PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC ON A BUDGET All these pedals costs together about 140€ / 150$ and this is really a low budget for a good quality lofi sound! #ambient #pedalboard #budget #caline #technology #pedals #echo #lofi #lowbudget #ambientmusic #timespace #ghostrain #ragnarok #psychedelic #arpeggio #delay #onabudget #lowcost THANKS TO COVENANT CABLES PERRY FRANK is officially endorser of COVENANT CABLES. Catch them here: THANKS TO CALINE MUSIC TECHNOLOGY Find it here: Info about my music: BANDCAMP: FB: http
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