Visualization of Quick sort

This video was created for It demonstrates two comparison sorting algorithms: Bubble sort and Quick sort. Comparison sorting algorithms are only allowed to ’see’ the data through a sequence of pair-wise comparisons, therefore they are applicable to any type of comparable objects: numbers, strings, colored balls, etc Bubble sort is very simple but has poor performance. A comparison sorting algorithm’s performance is usually measured by the number of comparisons it makes. Bubble sort performs on the order of n^2 comparisons to sort n elements. Quick sort is only slightly more complicated but usually performs much better (as demonstrated in the video). It performs on average an order of n log(n) comparisons to sort n elements. This is much lower than n^2 for large values of n. However, if the algorithm makes some ’unlucky’ choices it might require n^2 comparisons after all. Other algorithms exist that guarantee the number of compariso
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