“Sit Down And Shut Up” – Hillary’s Shouting Match With Antiwar Heckler

Hillary Clinton doesn’t get called out enough for being a bloodthirsty warmonger who never saw a reason to avoid a conflict overseas, whether in Iraq, Libya, Syria or Ukraine. The former Secretary of State and First Lady DID get called out recently, in the middle of an Institute of Global Politics symposium when The Schiller Institute’s Simon Miller stood up and demanded Clinton renounce the Biden administration’s support for hostilities in Israel, Ukraine and Palestine. Jimmy, along with The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discusses his delight at seeing Clinton called out this way. Visit and use promo code Jimmy for 20% off. CBDistillery has over 2M satisfied customers. Follow Craig “Pasta” Jardula on Twitter: The Convo Couch’s YouTube channel: Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website:
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