Why Is The West Supporting Israel Over Palestine? | Understanding The Art Of Propaganda

On this Moats, George Galloway reflects on the last few days of the Israel and Hamas War and the backing of the West’s politicians and media for Israel. The leader of the UK’s opposition Labour Party and former Human Rights Lawyer, Keir Starmer, declares Israel’s ’right’ to cut off power and water supplies to Palestinians in Gaza, yet it’s a war crime to cut off water and electricity says the EU’s von der Leyen - but only when it’s done by Russia, not is joined by rapper and activist Lowkey who talks the history of Zionism in the music industry and why Labour Leader Starmer is a prostitute to the Israel lobby. Plus Jewish journalist and filmmaker Dan Cohen talks his experiences of visiting Israel and Gaza in the past and what the future may hold for both nations. Dan Cohen: Journalist and filmmaker:- Twitter: YouTube: Lowkey: British rapper and Political Commentator, Host of The Watchdog podcast on MintPress News:- Twitter: YouTube: @LowkeyOnline
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