Brooklyn & Bailey – What We’re Made Of (Official Music Video)

Опубликовано: 12 июл. 2017 г. DOWNLOAD WHAT WE’RE MADE OF ▶ This song has special meaning for us, because as girls and women in the world we face many stereotypes and labels that society has placed upon us. We’re not defining society as just men… we’re also talking about women. Girls can’t tear each other down. It is so easy for women to compare themselves to each other, trying super hard to live up to the huge expectations they have for themselves mostly because others have placed those expectations upon them. Discouragement can follow, she may feel less adequate, unappreciated… like it would just be easier to fall in line with past stereotypes and simply go with the flow. Our hope is that women and young girls everywhere will see that we can’t let these stereotypes define us. We certainly don’t need approval from society to be the powerful women we hope to be. It’s time to break free and unleash the potential of our dreams, whatever
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