On the Issue of Legal Regulation of Public Service of Other Types in the Russian Public Service System

The article is devoted to the analysis of public service of other types in the system of public service of the Russian Federation, introduced by the legislator instead of law enforcement service in 2015. Other types of public service currently include service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, service in the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service, service in the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation, service in customs authorities, service in enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, service in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, service in bodies and organizations of the Prosecutor’s Office. Purpose: based on the analysis of the current legislation and scientific literature, to determine prospects for combining other types of public service into a single law enforcement service and propose a concept of its legal regulation. Methods: general scientific and special methods, including comparative legal, systematic and logical, analysis and synthesis, historical. Results: the analysis of domestic legislation regulating other types of public service shows that the scientific community and the legislator should again raise the issue of combining all these other types of public service into a single type, since there is a large number of unifying features of all other types of public service; a significant part of the federal law provisions of regulating certain types of public service of other types coincide; there are federal laws that apply to several types of public service. Conclusions: at present there are no obstacles to the unification of all other types of public service into a single type (law enforcement service) and adoption of two federal laws: one regulating the service procedure and another on social guarantees of civil servants of law enforcement service.
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