The RING OF FIRE -- GlobalQuake -- Realtime Seismic Monitoring Display
Welcome to the Ring of Fire -- Seismic Monitoring Display...
GlobalQuake is an experimental Java application that can be used to monitor earthquakes world-wide in near real time .Capable of issuing it’s own Earthquake Early Warnings (EEW)
Please keep in mind that GlobalQuake is still very experimental and should only be used for entertainment purposes, as the displayed information can be inaccurate or completly wrong.
BUT... What is the Ring of Fire?
The Ring of Fire, also referred to as the Circum-Pacific Belt, is a path along the Pacific Ocean characterized by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. The majority of Earth’s volcanoes and earthquakes take place along the Ring of Fire.
Nat. Geo.
There are 15 countries in the ring of fire; Indonesia, New Zealand, Papa New Guinea, Philippines, Japan, United States, Chile, Canada, Guatemala, Russia, Peru, Solomon Islands, Mexico and Antarctica.
People most at risk from volcanic eruptions and earthquakes live in countries that lie along the Ring of Fire, including Chile, Japan, the US west coast, and other island nations including the Solomon Islands to the western seaboard of North and South Americas.
What you see is a combination of 2 main software,SWARM (from USGS ) and SEISCOMP (from GEMPA )
SWARM shows around 50 Spectrograms from stations located all along the Ring of Fire
Seiscomp shows over 400 seismic stations from the Ring of an event is detected,stations will blink red and if multiple stations from networks detect same signal,they will blink Fushia.
If a possible earthquake is detected,an announcement will be made by the software.
N,B.: Quakes announced by Seiscomp are automated reports generated by the software,these reports are NOT OFFICIAL and can be erroneous !
Please follow chat rules (!rules)= BE AWARE -- be NICE and courteous -- NO shitty talk about others -- NO PREDICTIONS OF ANY KIND --no Politics / Religion / Racism
and please avoid talking about SUN and CME are earthquake related ( maybe but not proven ) ... Or you’ll be kicked
and take a look at all the available commands by typing !commands
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