Countries are struggling to contain inflation, but not Switzerland. Here’s why

As many countries across the globe battle sky-high inflation, Switzerland’s economy is seeing something far less dramatic. Inflation in Switzerland hit a 29-year high of 3.5% in 2022. While high by Swiss standards, that figure is well below the double-digit inflation of comparable economies including the United States (9.1%), United Kingdom (11.1%) and euro zone (10.6%). On top of that, economists say it’s easing. “It’s coming down a little bit,” Tobias Straumann, professor of modern and economic history at the University of Zurich, told CNBC. So, what is it about the Swiss economy that’s allowed it to largely sidestep inflation, and what can other countries learn from it? Watch the video to find out. #CNBC #Inflation #Switzerland #Economy ----- Subscribe: CNBC International TV: Facebook: Instagram:
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