The French Tango, Made Easy (1927)

Santos Casani and Jose Lennard show how to dance the French Tango against a curtained backdrop. We see the start of the dance in C/U. Then the half-turn is demonstrated in C/U. “To simplify the Promenade I have made the steps towards you.“ reads the intertitle - presumably represents Mr Casani’s voice. The link step is then demonstrated. “We were just getting on fine with Mr Casani, when a slight interruption (in Charleston language) occurred - “ Suddenly Alberto and Sylvia two young pupils (8 and 10 years old respectively) come onto the stage from either side and start doing the Charleston. Santos and Jose join in. C/U of the two young dancers - Jose can be seen knocking her knees in the background. L/S of the four dancers Charlestoning away. The two youngsters take a bow. “Incidentally, if you wish to have fuller details of the Tango, drop a note to the Editor, Pathe’s Eve’s Film Review, Wardour Street, London W1 (or enquire at this Theatre.)“ reads the end intertitle. Was
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