Prophetic Word/Vision: Your Coming Breakthrough Will Surprise You, Suddenly! (Cindy Jacobs)

This prophetic word from Cindy Jacobs is dated 10/13/22. . Learn more about Cindy Jacobs here: Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network Email: generals@ . . JOIN My FREE Telegram Channel: πŸ‘‰πŸ½ jtFZPWB_gVVkYWQx . TruthSocial @ πŸ‘‰πŸ½@LoveHasAName222 . . Transcript: ========= I saw some of you, and even myself, beating on a closed door. You were just praying and saying, β€œOpen up!” And you were so upset that that door was not opening. But the Lord would say to you, β€œTrust me that I will open the right door.” In fact, I see a vision that some of you are beating on the wrong door and you’re upset with the Lord. But He is saying, β€œI’m going to give you something better. I’m going to give you something much better than what you thought you wanted.” The Lord says, β€œAnd the ones that are being resisted by the devil, you’re going to see a breakthrough in a moment
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