The Trial of God: Was He Invented? | Judging Yahweh, the God of the Bible

The Bible, a revered sacred text, is rich of divine narratives, but it also houses tales of divine wrath and moral paradoxes that challenge our contemporary sensibilities. Our video dares to delve into these complex narratives, seeking answers to questions that have confounded theologians and philosophers for centuries. We begin our exploration with the creation of humans, the very first act of God as recorded in the Old Testament. We question the moral implications of this act, considering the inherent flaws and the capacity for evil that humans possess. Why would an entirely good God allow for such potential for wrongdoings? The God of the Old Testament is a formidable entity, a power that commands both reverence and dread. This video aims to dissect this divine power, to understand its actions, and to question its moral standing. We examine these instances not to pass judgment, but to understand the context and the moral framework within which these actions were taken. Our exploration
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