Wuhan Lab Leak Hoax and the Coming Conflict with China

How did an Energy Department report about COVID coming from a lab leak, an assertion made with “low confidence,” take the whole media by storm? Why is this allegation being dredged up again? While viral outbreaks can take decades to uncover and sometimes don’t ever become clear, the political framing is already obvious. Brian is joined by K.J. Noh, a peace activist, organizer with Pivot to Peace, scholar on the geopolitics of Asia, and a frequent contributor to Counterpunch and Dissident Voice. Please make an urgently-needed contribution to The Socialist Program by joining our Patreon community at We rely on the generous support of our listeners to keep bringing you consistent, high-quality shows. All Patreon donors of $5 a month or more are invited to join the monthly Q&A seminar with Brian.
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