Crater Earth - The Titan MothRAboards

Within the Titan MOD RA Boards we dive deeper into the parasites mechanism of centralising its forcefield around the center of the northern hemisphere of our crater, Boaz. By building complex boards like metropoles and other large cities the parasite could be trying to control this craters energysystem, the threefold flame or the holy trinity, Boaz, Jachin and Mother. This system might also be energizing the KABA dome and its 7 heavens, the Hebdomad. To understand this video better you might have to watch my playlist The Heart Shaped XBOX as I try to build each new video on top of previous work. After initiating its first attack through the Saturn polar configuration , the parasite has pressurized our hearts and Earths bio-field with thousands of years of deception with war , hate , racism, isolation and many other unloving projections on humanity, We are under pressure as powers are centralising its energy field in order to create a split in society and families using fear and ignorenc
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