Russian artillerymen destroyed the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the matchmaking direction

Russian artillerymen destroyed the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the matchmaking direction Artillery crews of the BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems of the West group of troops continue to deliver precision strikes around the clock on military targets, positions, fortifications, military equipment and manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Svatov direction in the zone of a special military operation. After receiving target coordinates from unmanned aircraft operators, the military struck the identified enemy positions. To do this, our fighters used high-explosive fragmentation ammunition, which made it possible to inflict maximum damage to fortifications, buried concrete fortifications and enemy armored vehicles. Having completed the combat mission, the crews immediately left the firing position, remaining unnoticed by enemy artillery. Every day, artillerymen from the West group of troops cause irreparable damage to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Massive str... Source: Military Wave
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