Д.С.Бортнянский (1751-1825) Ария Бабетты, из оперы “Празднество сеньора“ (1786)

Д.С.Бортнянский (1751-1825) Ария Бабетты, из оперы “Празднество сеньора“ (1786) Dmitry Stepanovich Bortnyansky 1751 - Born on the 28th of October in the Russian Empire. Russian composer. - He received his first musical education at the music school of his home town. 1758 - He was accepted into the Boys’ Choir of the Petersburg Court at the age of seven and he sang in the Imperial Chapel Choir in St. Petersburg. 1776 - Composed operas: “Creonte“ and “Alcide“ in Venice, and &
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