After The Movies - The Dying Sun

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “I have lost my goddamn mind; tired of hurting everyone. I would beg for you to stay, but it’s so selfish of me to say. I’m afraid of what I’ve become; blinded by my intentions. And my skin is burning up, while I drag myself to the dying sun. And I still need you, after what I’ve put you through. I don’t want you gone out of my life. As much as I want to leave, my heart still wants to believe, but my mind says otherwise, “it’s not right, baby, it’s not right“! Burning out like the dying sun, I’ve been drowning since you’re gone. Regret haunts me in my sleep. I’m not worth it, I’m a worthless piece of shit. “Love“ is just not worth the pain, the pain I have given you. Could we start this all again, even when our feelings have changed? Life is just not worth it, so take my breath & put me to sleep. Should we start over again, or should we just reach the end? Is this the end? “Is this our goodbye?“ I guess this is our goodbye, better luck for us next time. Though it doesn’t feel right, To say “goodbye for now...“ from After The Movies, released May 3, 2016 Music & Lyrics by After The Movies, 2016 Mixed and Mastered by Jamie King, The Basement Recording Winston Salem NC“
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