It’s in Your Hands: The Power of Body Language | Tal Millet | TEDxBergenCommunityCollege

Studies show that over 90% of human face-to-face interactions are accounted for by nonverbal communication, which humans are innately wired to decipher and understand. However, in spite of verbal communication playing only a marginal role, most of us focus on words and are uninformed about body language and the vital role it plays in our lives. This TEDx will open with a brief intro- duction to the science of body language. The audience will be introduced to some hands-on tools for detecting and decoding several key signals of the hands and face, as well as to strategies for enhancing their projected first impression, thereby rekindling their inborn capacity for reading body language. Dr. Tal Millet mentors companies to help them obtain measurable and sustainable organizational goals by enhancing their nonverbal business communication skills. An attorney holding a PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a Master of Laws, Dr. Millet formerly served as Deputy National Public Defender of the State of
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