Neoclassical metal lick - alternate picking and legato (with tab) | Licks - #5

Neoclassical metal lick using alternate picking and legato. On-screen tab can be found in this video: Or the following PDF file (link might stop working): Metal ?dl=0 I’m not sure exactly how “neoclassical metal” is defined, but if I play something in harmonic minor with distortion that’s probably what I’m going to call it! There are two ‘parts’ to this one. The first is alternate picked, and the second involves legato. The alternate picking part is fairly straightforward, in the sense that it is just a series of alternate picked notes followed by a bend and some vibrato. But… fast single note alternate picking is hard. Left and right hand have to be perfectly synchronised on every note, which is difficult when playing fast. Same for sweep picking. Whereas with legato, the left hand is mostly doing its own thing and the right hand only chips in occasionally rather than on every note.
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