Save Your Tears - The Weeknd (Bardcore | Medieval Style Cover)

▶ Spotify: ▶ Consider supporting the channel on Patreon: Hello again! I hope this finds you all healthy and happy. Life is not back to anything resembling normal yet, but I’ve been working on a handful of covers and I’m excited to share this one with you. I’ve wanted to give one of The Weeknd’s songs the Bardcore treatment for a while now, and finally landed on “Save Your Tears”. The Art (With some adjustments): Nicklaus Glockenden I Saint Maurice and His Companions Illumination. Missal of Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg (572 ff.). Folio 437 sup v . . Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University. Lyrics: I saw thee dancing from the gallery Thou lookest gay when I am not with thee But then my presence caught thee by surprise A single teardrop falling from thine eyes I know not why I run
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