SpaceX inspired edf rocket part 2: Final assembly, tuning and maiden flight

This is the second part of my Spacex inspired edf rocket project where I assemble the final pieces of the rocket, tune the correct PID values and perform a maiden flight. In order to find the correct PID values i had to build a rig that suspends the rocket in it’s center of gravity and which allows for 2 degrees of freedom. I first tried to tune the PID values with the rocket suspended on a wire but this ended up working not so great like you can see in the video. Once i got the right PID values dialed in, I first did like 10 hover tests inside (now i did try this out with the wire attached) before going outside to attempt a maiden flight. I build and painted the landing platform a day before the maiden flight and the paint was still a bit sticky. As a result of this the rocket stuck to the landing platform and tipped over. For the next attempt i put some baby powder on the platform to prevent it from sticking (which gave me some nice clouds when taking off ;-) It turns out landing an
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