Shannon’s Paradox: An Infinite Connect The Dots Game (SoME2)

Under only one condition, a sampled signal can be perfectly recovered. this almost seems paradoxical, since sampling a signal seemingly removes almost all information from it. So how is that mathematically possible? What is this one condition? #some2 ============================================================= Chapters: 1. Introduction: 0:00 2. The Fourier Transform, In a Nutshell: 1:40 3. Dirac’s delta “Function“: 3:22 4. Analyzing the signal: 4:51 5. Recovering the Signal: 6:58 6. Why?: 11:09 ============================================================= Interactive tool for signal reconstruction: 3blue1brown’s video about Fourier series and Fourier Transforms: music: ============================================================= The animations in the video were made with Desmos: The main source of information was from the Signals and Systems course I took in University, here’s a playlist of all the lectures: (the lectures are in Hebrew but have English subtitles).
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