In this Latin drum lesson, you will learn how to play the bossa nova drum beat with the first lesson from my 3-part bossa nova drum lesson series. I will teach how to play one of the most popular Latin drumming beats, the bossa nova, and give you the tools to help you develop a good feel for it. **Please be sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share** JOIN MY MAILING LIST to receive free copy of my 4 Bar Jazz Drum Solos lesson series eBook plus access to 3 bonus video drum lessons: BECOME THE BEST DRUMMER YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE: In lessons 2 and 3, I will teach you a variety of commonly used snare drum variations, help you with your left hand independence and teach you some very useful transition and drum fill concepts. **Be sure to check out my drum grooves, beats and rhythms playlist: Become a member of JohnX Online drum lessons to gain access to lessons 2 and 3 plus the transcriptions for all 3 lessons in my Bossa Nova drum lesson series. In addition, you will gain access to over 130 step-by-step, easy-to-understand jazz, Latin and funk videos with transcriptions for each drum tutorial that will help you become the best drummer you can possibly be. ESSENTIAL DRUMMING LINKS Enjoy, JohnX
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