1 Sep: Ukrainians Brokethrough the Main Tactical Line! | Surovikin’s Three-Echelon DEFENSE COLLAPSES

1 Sep: Ukrainians Broke through the Main Tactical Line | Surovikin’s Three-Echelon DEFENSE COLLAPSES As we know, Ukrainian warriors fought around Robotyne for a long time. After the liberation of Robotyne, Ukrainian fighters this week started moving in the direction of the strategically located village of Verboyne. As this village is an integral part of the Russian defense, it has become a potential target for Ukraine’s advance towards the Sea of Azov. In pursuit of this goal, Ukrainian forces faced a very difficult task. The center of the main Russian defensive line, full of mines and dragon’s teeth, was in this area. Ukrainian forces are slowly advancing south and west of the village of Robotyne, which was taken from Russian control this week. This shows that Kiev is trying to deepen and expand its offensive in the region. So what strategies did the Ukrainian forces use to break through the main Russian defenses to reach the cities of Verboyne, Tokmak and Novoprokopivka after liberating Robotyne? Ukrainian generals want to break through the Russian land bridge, cutting the lines of communication between the forces in the east and south of the country, in order to reach the coastal city of Melitopol. To do this, Ukrainian forces first of all had to break the psychological resistance of the Russians. To this end, the 82nd Air Assault Brigade, the most powerful assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and 47 mechanized brigades have recently joined the counteroffensive as part of the second echelon of forces to be deployed to break through Russia’s fortified defenses. The 82nd brigade, which includes experienced frontline units for the offensive, was trained by the British and equipped with Challenger 2 main battle tanks and Stryker infantry fighting vehicles. The 47th Brigade also has American Bradley M2 and French light tanks and German Leopard heavy battle tanks. During counter-offensive operations in the south of the country, the biggest problem for Ukrainian soldiers is the minefields and fortification barriers on the Russian first line of defense. If Ukraine had problems with mines, especially on the first line of defense along the supply route, then it would also have problems with equipment on the second line of defense. But the Ukrainian generals were aware of this and they could overcome the Russian first line of defense using completely different tactical elements. The second line of defense of the Russian troops in Zaphorizhia is very different from the first. Breaking through the first line of defense requires great skill and no casualties. Because although there are fewer minefields on the second line of defense, there are many mechanized armored vehicles and tanks. Armored vehicles, tanks, artillery, there are too many of them. But the Russian army is now forced to shift its artillery to the third line of defense, where it is less likely to be destroyed by Ukrainian counter-battery fire. This works in Ukraine’s favor if Ukrainian forces break through the first line of defense. Ukraine has used this to its advantage. Russian troops have been reinforcing the first line of defense in the south for months. They have relied especially heavily on the fortifications created by the Dragon’s teeth. It was a real challenge for the Ukrainians to break through the elements forming the main Russian line of defense. The operation is sometimes slowed down because minefields are very difficult to clear. However, the Ukrainian army has in its inventory powerful Western demining equipment. After several bridgeheads were set up on the Dnipro river, ground operations accelerated. A few evenings ago, it was reported that the Ukrainian Elite 82nd Air Assault Brigade and the 47th Mechanized Brigade reached the first stages of fighting on the Surovikin line near Verbove. In order to reach the outskirts of Verbove, Ukrainian forces had to overcome a series of dragon’s teeth anti-tank barriers and trenches that form Moscow’s first line of defense near Zaporizhia. The main minefields in front of the defense line in the Zaporizhia direction slowed the advance in this direction, but did not stop it. It took only 24 hours for Ukrainian forces to break through the dragon-toothed defenses. The Russians did not expect this at all. They had spent months building up the dragon-toothed defenses and the Surovikin line. But the Russians had made a critical mistake. A comparison of satellite images from early and late August shows that Russia made no effort to strengthen its defenses around Verbove. Despite the difficulties, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ soldiers persevered and took up positions near Verbove. #russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #russiaukrainewar #news #russiaukrainenews #War society, politics, knowledge, military, international relations
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