Getting Chased by PS1Hagrid a THIRD TIME! - The Harry Potter Meme Horror Game is back!

As much as I am hyped to see that this game series is back and as sad as it is that this will be the last PS1 Hagrid chasing us around I have to admit that the third part felt a little... lackluster. Especially compared to the second one that was pretty fleshed out, with different spells, a skill system and even bossfights. This went a bit more back to the roots and was kept a whole lot simple but I can’t shake the feeling that a lot less time and effort was put into this than in the other two games before and that is honestly a little bit sad, not a super worthy end to the series in my opinion... I hope you will still enjoy watching me play the third part of this Game series! Getting chased by PS1Hagrid one last time and hunting one final World Record, have fun with the video! ~~ Link to the game: ~~ -- VOD Discovery: -- VOD First PB: -- VOD
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