Who Was Saint Valentine?

You’re in a conversation and someone asks, “Where did Valentine’s Day come from?” What would you say? Every 14th of February we celebrate Valentine’s Day by exchanging cards, going out for candlelit dinners, and sharing special moments. Though the holiday is now primarily focused on romantic love, it originated as a feast day for a Christian saint. Although there are varying accounts of his life, there is consensus regarding a basic outline. So the next time someone asks you who St. Valentine was, here are three things to remember: First, Valentine prayed for God to heal the blind daughter of a Roman judge, and God did. Second, Valentine was arrested a second time because he evangelized pagans and helped Christians. Third, Valentine was martyred on February 14th. Hungry for more Christian worldview resources? Check out our 10-month program to transform your Christian walk: Donate Here: Website: Comment Policy: We encourage civil discussions. Please keep bad language, personal attacks, off-topic comments, and general bad behavior off our site. Sources and further reading: Thank you to Dr. Glenn Sunshine, professor of History at Central Connecticut State University, for his help with this video.
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