As the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Joseph Gregory Hallett, I invite you to declare, and I declare:
No European Union treaty, legislation, tertiary legislation, regulation, directive, decision and or Instrument is effective, in force, or in the process of being done immediately before exit day 31 December 2020, on exit day, or at any time after exit day, as the European Union has been acting beyond their legal power and authority (ultra vires) writing legislation, addressing it and not sending it, claiming perpetual dictatorship in legislation, regulation and direction of the United Kingdom, via ambiguous undefined words, and multiple cross-referencing resulting in patent ambiguity in its documentation, rendering all the European Union documentation non-legal in any and every aspect, relying on an extorted government and monarchy, based on their illegitimacy and paedophilia, which renders all parties Treasonous, and therefore not able to sign any documentation on behalf of the men, women and children of the United Kingdom, who are returning to Common Law, the Courts of England and Wales having been exposed as invested in Human and Drug Trafficking, resulting in the entity known as Queen Elizabeth II leaving England for Scotland in shame, completing her Rex Absconditus in full acknowledgment of Joseph Gregory Hallett as King John III, rightful Sovereign Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and every variation thereof, resolutely demanding no influence or interference from the European Union, its legislation, tertiary legislation, regulation, directive, decision, trick or treaty, resolved to return to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Common Law and real Sovereignty for and of the Men, Women and Children, land, water, air, resources, waves, frequencies, and positive finance, to which the European Union was to be the final nail in the coffin.
True Sovereignty means no rule by Paedophiles, to which the previous Windsor Sovereigns and the European Union failed in a truly spectacular fall from grace.
By the Grace of God has left Elizabeth and deposed her.
The Grace of God has chosen Joseph Gregory Hallett as the new King.
In the 14 days leading up to exit day, no European Union Instruments are in force, or effect, being done, or in the process of being done, and the entire United Kingdom is moving in the exact opposite direction of the European Union, which was dictatorship by paedophile and proxy-paedophile, where any paedophile could dictate the outcome of any court case, without signing their name to any document, and the EU staff also not giving their name or status, but acting effectively as the judge, jury and executioner, as long as it served the EU direction of mafia and paedophiles.
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