MUFON CASE : 114047 Jersey City, New Jersey ( March 8, 2021 )

Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : 3/4 lights hovering over nyc for about 40 minutes to an hour Long Description of Sighting Report Hanging out in my complex we have an area that faces New York City. I always see them because the sky is open and they’re very obvious. That day it was strange because there were 4 just hovering together as though they were having a meeting. They were there for a very long time but seemed as though no one even noticed. I wanted to film it until they separated to see what would happen but they were there for too long, then out of no where they were all gone. Date Submitted : 2021-03-08 Date of Event : 2020-11-05 6:06PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : VIDEO 2 : CASE : 114051 Phoenix, Arizona : Stationary Lights hovering over Phoenix/Scottsdale Long Description of Sighting Report As I was landing at Phoenix International airport I witnessed multiple lights to the right of the aircraft, outside my window. At first I thought it was the lin
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