Unlawful filial son.

The microfilm “unlawful” filial son “is about living in Mianyang Santai Qin and Zheng Dama two elderly people, due to the son is always working outside, the old two long-term miss their son led to emotional vacancies, as a godson of Liu Jian often visit and care for the old two, to fill the old man’s psychological vacancies. Unbeknownst to Liu Jian is the sale of shoddy health care fraud, the surface under the guise of caring for the elderly, in fact, collusion with the gang, the use of the elderly weak precautionary awareness of the shortcomings of the elderly to win the sympathy of the elderly, so as to carry out fraud on the elderly. Eventually, Liu Jian and his gang for repeated sales of shoddy health care products to implement fraud and the court, accepted the law.
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