Ships of Russian Pacific Fleet and Egyptian Navy hold joint exercise in Mediterranean Sea

Ships of Russian Pacific Fleet and Egyptian Navy hold joint exercise in Mediterranean Sea Earlier, a detachment of Russian ships comprising of the guards missile cruiser of the Order of Nakhimov Varyag and the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov left the port of Alexandria, where the ships were on a business visit. The joint exercise of a detachment of Russian warships with the Egyptian Navy has become another practical step in the sphere of strengthening Russian-Egyptian naval cooperation. The frigate Al-Qadir was involved from the Egyptian Navy. The participants of the exercise worked out the formation of a squad of warships in the designated area, joint tactical manoeuvring in various formations, conducted communications training, and provided flights for deck helicopters. The joint exercise ended with a farewell ceremony, during which the ships of the two countries parted on opposite courses to the sound of sirens.  Russian Defence Ministry Source: MoD Russia
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