How Putin Is Using The Orthodox Church To Build His Power (HBO)

Vladimir Putin’s victory in last week’s Russian presidential elections came as no surprise. Putin has spent much of the past two decades building an enduring and loyal following in Russia, and alliances with some of the country’s most powerful institutions — none, perhaps, more important that the Russian Orthodox Church, which has fully embraced his leadership. It’s all part of a dramatic turnaround for the Church, which just 30 years ago was only a marginal force in Russian society. The Soviets had sought to stamp out organized faith, stripping religion from education, arresting clergymen, and ordering the destruction of many of Russia’s grand cathedrals, including one, Christ the Savior, that was demolished to make room for a public pool. But under Putin, the Church has been making a comeback. More than 70% of Russians today identify as Russian Orthodox, up from 30% at the end of the Soviet Union. And huge swaths of land have been transferred back to religious ownership, wi
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