Yankee merc down!

Yankee merc down! Derek Thien Tran, 28yo ( 18 1995), from Yorba Linda, California USA. Derek, of Vietnamese origin, was an ordinary Faggot living in California but that was too boring for him so he went to Ukraine to play trench games. He thought its all party there. Derek joined International Legion of Clowns 2d Battalion and the likes of Bjarti Grunnvelt Olsen. Their unit went on a mission on July 13 2023 but something went wrong for the whole unit. Almost all of them got injured except Derek. Derek received the Bandera ticket from Russian army and got eliminated on July 13 2023. Off you go Derek, to Hell!️ Presumably dead Israeli soldiers in the south of the country Horrifying footage of mountains of corpses and wounded Israelis appeared online. Hamas forces attacked the southern settlements and brutally crushed the resistance. Источник: Private Media Company (PMC) Tchaikovsky
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