[Exploring Korean Literature] Korean Salon (코리안 쌀롱)

Where did writer congregate to exchange ideas and foster creativity from the mid-Joseon Period until the early 20th century in Korea? Introducing coffee shops that were frequently used as the backdrop in Korean novels written during the early 20th century that revealed the repression and despair of intellectuals under Japanese colonial rule. Then there were the beautiful landscapes overlooking nujeong pavilions where scholars created gasa poetry in the Joseon Dynasty. 조선 중기에서 근대에 이르기까지, 문인들에게 창작의 원동력이 되었던 소통의 장소는 어디었을까? 식민지 시대 지식인의 무력감과 절망이 드러난 드리워진 근대 소설의 배경이 되었던 다방, 조선시대 가사문학의 창작 배경이 되었던 누정들을 아름다운 풍경과 함께 소개한다. #Joseon #writer #coffeeshops
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