SABATON - Uprising (Official Video) [Napisy PL] Nuclear Blast Records

All rights to recordings and video belong to Nuclear Blast Europe. Video posted for educational purposes. Wszelkie prawa co do nagrania oraz video należą do Nuclear Blast Europe. Film zamieszczony w celach edukacyjnych. Of­fi­cial video for “Up­ris­ing“ from Coat Of Arms (2010) Cast: Ma­teusz Damięc­ki / Moni­ka Bu­chowiec / Pe­ter Stor­mare / Walde­mar Skrzypczak, Di­rect­ed by: Jacek Ragi­nis, Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: An­drzej Mu­si­ał, Mon­tage: Bartek Bretes, Stage de­sign and cos­tumes:
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