Precaria - Expiate de Toda Creencia (BLACK METAL EN ESPAÑOL)

Second track from the Precaria Demo, remastered. Letra / Lyrics: Expiate de Toda Creencia Expiate de toda creencia, libera tu yugo, purga tu conciencia... Derrama la hiedra del saber, enreda tu mente en el capullo del poder... Oh, la maldita doctrina quebrantada... ¡Ojo por ojo, diente por diente, sangre por sangre, creyente por creyente! Quema. ------------ Expiate All Belief Expiate all belief, break free from your yoke, purge your conscience... Pour the ivy of knowledge, entangle your mind in the cocoon of power... Oh, the damned broken doctrine... Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, believer by believer! Burn. * Remaster of “Expiate All Belief“, a dynamic piece that marked the first step towards the more contemplative side of Precaria. Included exclusively on the Nebular Carcoma Records re-release.
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