CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2, MULTIPLAYER #codmw2 #warzone2 #game #onlinegame #bestgame

Shipment is a multiplayer map featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. Shipment is also featured in Call of Duty Online, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Mobile, Call of Duty: Vanguard and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Shipment is the smallest map in the Call of Duty series. Because of its small size, it’s mostly used for small and quick games such as Free-for-All. The game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, similar to Crash 24/7 and Shoot House 24/7, features several game modes, these being Team Deathmatch, Domination, Headquarters, Kill Confirmed and Hardpoint. #callofduty #callofdutymodernwarfare #codmw2 #callofdutymodernwarfare2 #warzone #warzone2 #shoothouse #game #multiplayer #onlinegame #мультиплеер #игра #ps4 #ps #ps4pro #sony #battleroayle #royalebattle #gulag #гулаг #war #shooter #bestgame #onlinegame #multiplayergame #pvp #pvpgame #онлайнигры #онлайнигра #activision #captainprice #captainamerica #snoopdogg #homelander #starlight #quickgame #quickmatch #teammates #teammatch #deathmatch #hardpoint #killconfirmed #headquaters #domination #teamdeathmatch
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