FIRST X-Men Gold Team! Uncanny X-Men 281, Whilce Portacio and John Byrne, Marvel Comics 1991

Review of Uncanny X-Men 281, by Whilce Portacio, co-plotted by Jim Lee, with script by John Byrne, and inks by Art Thibert, Marvel Comics 1991 Cover by Whilce Portacio and Art Thibert! In this issue, the X-Men Gold Team visit the Hellfire Club in New York at Emma Frost the White Queen’s invitation; meanwhile in Australia, the Reavers are attacked by a group of New Sentinels sent by the mysterious Trevor Fitzroy; back in the Hellfire Club, Fitzroy attacks the X-Men and Emma’s Hellions, until Donald Pierce arrives via Gateway’s portal with a trio of sentinels on his heels, who kill him; finally, the X-Men and Hellions battle the sentinels, and Jean Grey is apparently killed by the robots! #xmen #comics #marvelcomics #johnbyrne #whilceportacio
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