Die andere Dimension (La Otra Dimension) - UFO Angriff und Außerirdischen Kontakte in einem Restaurant [SPANISCH]
English title:
The other dimension (La Otra Dimension) – UFO attack and ALIENS contacts in a restaurant [SPANISH]
Leider eine FÄLSCHUNG.....
Unfortunately FAKE.....
Any light or object that is seen in the atmosphere and is not immediately identifiable is by definition an unidentified flying object, or UFO – which does not necessarily mean an extraterrestrial spacecraft. There have been hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings all over the world during the past 60 years. It is generally agreed that 90 to 95% of all sightings can be attributed to misidentification of ordinary phenomena. Of the rest, some remain unexplained due to insufficient evidence, but in a great many instances there is abundant evidence from reliable witnesses, but no conventional explanation. As Lord Hill-Norton, a former Chief of the British Defence Staff, has said: ‘the evidence is now so consistent and so overwhelming that no reasonably intelligent person can deny that something unexplained is going on in our atmosphere’.1 He criticizes what he calls the ‘little green men ha-ha-ha’ syndrome – the tendency to dismiss with ridicule a phenomenon that merits careful investigation. Surveys show that about 7 to 10% of adults have seen what they believed to be a UFO. But only about 1 in 10 witnesses report what they have seen, usually out of fear of ridicule. There are between 5 and 10 thousand reports of close encounters, involving observations of UFO occupants and sometimes interaction with them.2 Close-encounter reports in particular are often so bizarre and surreal that even many ufologists prefer to ignore their full implications.
Scientists in general have failed miserably to take up the challenge presented by the UFO phenomenon, though there have been several notable exceptions. Many academics who have shown serious interest in UFOs have suffered harassment, intimidation and derision. A number of prominent scientists have devoted their lives to debunking UFOs. One of earliest and severest critics was Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel. He had a simple, scientific explanation for all UFO sightings: they were caused by temperature inversions. This meteorological condition is created when pockets of cold air get trapped in warm air; the difference in density causes lights from the ground to be reflected or refracted. The fact that the theory simply didn’t work in most cases did not dampen his enthusiasm.
UFOs have been investigated by every major government on earth, and are still being studied at official level in some countries. The history of UFO investigations carried out by the US Air Force (Projects Sign, Grudge, Blue Book, and Stork, the Robertson Panel, and the Condon Committee), and the documents released since the mid-1970s show that military officials who took UFOs seriously tended to be sidelined, while the debunkers have generally had the upper hand. All the investigations concluded that UFOs posed no threat to national security.
#ALIENS2014 #DieAndereDimension #Espagna
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