The Scariest Apocalypses Ever Predicted

Planets colliding, comets snuffing out all life, dragons vomiting floods … Hollywood has nothing on these historical apocalyptic prophecies. #Apocalypse #Endings #Predictions The Chronica Majora | 0:00 Planet “X“ | 1:01 Victor Houteff’s Revelation | 1:50 Vomit floods | 3:04 The Jupiter Effect | 3:54 The great flood of 1524 | 5:02 A man-made black hole | 5:58 A mystical vision | 7:06 Halley’s Comet | 8:02 The Viking apocalypse | 8:45 Jim Jones’ nuclear doomsday | 10:03 Voiceover By: Tim Bensch Read Full Article:
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