Tiger Balm Gardens Also In Cp 031 (1955)

Singapore, Far East. L/S of two women walking towards an ornate Chinese archway - the entrance to the Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore. M/S of the oriental entrance. Various shots of the architecture of buildings in the gardens which includes statues of strange animals and Chinese Gods, pagodas, archways etc. Many of the statues have religious significance. A family are seen enjoying the gardens. Narrator states that Mr An Boon Haw (sp?) who built these gardens spent a million local dollars building these gardens. He also gives 70% of his yearly income to charity. The name Tiger Balm comes from the medicine which made An Boon Haw’s fortune. Two glamorous Singaporean women are seen admiring the view, then two more ordinary looking women walk through the ornate gardens. All four women are seen in C/U smiling and chatting. The glamour girls have a seat and rest a while enjoying the spectacle. High angle shots of two other women exploring. They walk up some stone steps towards the camera.
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