Серый журавль в окрестностях Ростовской области. Любовь к птицам была с раннего детства.

My Kenon camera and long-focus lens are always with me. And as soon as my eyes notice something, I immediately stop and shoot at the birds. This time I came across Cranes gray birds on the way to the house Класс Птицы – Aves Отряд Журавлеобразные – Gruiformes Семейство Журавлиные – Gruidae Grus grus (Linnaeus, 1758) Категория статуса редкости. 3. В Ростовской обл. редкий, уязвимый гнездящийся вид на южной границе ареала номинативного подвида G. g. grus. A bird of large size, with a wingspan of more than 2 m and with a peculiar voice – a ringing purr. The overall color is gray, with dark flight feathers. There is a black and white pattern on the head and neck. Adult birds have a small red spot of bare skin on the crown. Cranes stretch their long legs and neck in flight in a straight line. Gaining altitude, they often soar, circling in the air with their wings spread out motionlessly. In summer, they stay in pairs in swampy forests, in places – in reed marshes. They regularly fly out to
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