Richard Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 (1896)

Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 (Thus Spoke Zarathustra or Thus Spake Zarathustra) is a tone poem by Richard Strauss, composed during 1896 and inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical treatise of the same name. The piece is divided into nine sections played with only three definite pauses. Strauss named the sections after selected chapters of the Nietzsche’s book: 1. “Einleitung“ (Introduction): according to the interpretations, it should represent the Creation or the coming of the new age of the Overman and so, because of its evocative and declaimed aspect, it is led back to the Overman’s motto. 2. “Von den Hinterweltlern“ (Of the Hereaftergo’ers): here the brass quote the gregorian cento “Credo in unum Deum“ or “I believe in one God“ to represent faith at the top synthesis. 3. “Von der großen Sehnsucht“ (Of the Great Longing): maybe it represents the age of “Sturm und Drang“; here there’s a l
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