A Day in Bikini Bottom | SpongeBob ASMR Music & Ambience

fuck youtube for marking this video for kids, it’s only gonna end poorly considering my other content. this channel should NOT be on goddamn youtube kids. it is now a trilogy. many of the tracks here are the ones originally composed for the show, however, there are still many of the classic tracks. next video will probably be a continuation of the parody SB video series, then after that i might try and get some actual content out for the few of you that. mightbe interested. thank you for your patience. TRACKLIST: 0:00 - Clownfish Capers (Sage Guyton & Jeremy Wakefield) 1:26: - You’re Nice (Sage Guyton & Jeremy Wakefield) 3:15 - Me for You (George Callert, APM) 6:05 - Hello Blues (Sage Guyton & Jeremy Wakefield) 7:07 - Puka A (Sage Guyton & Jeremy Wakefield) 8:10 - Comic Walk (Sidney Torch, APM) 9:36 - Tomfoolery (David Snell, APM) 11:43 - Comedic Conversation (Nick Carr & Steve Marston) 13:10 - Hawaiian Happiness (Jon Jelmer, APM) 15:00 -
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