Sphere Captured by Mountains, Travelling Against the Wind

2022-09-17 1:43PM Provo, UT, US Eyewitness Statement: We went for hike on Mt. Timpanogos in Utah. We were two miles up the trail at an elevation of about 8500’. While we were sitting on a rocky bluff taking in the scenery I happened to notice a bright, shiny object against the deep blue sky. At first I thought it was simply an airplane. But as I watched it for several more seconds I noticed there was no movement. It was totally suspended in the sky, I’d say 1500-2000’ in the air about 1.5 miles away. To be sure it wasn’t moving, I put my thumb up directly under it and watched to see if it went up/down or left/right of my thumb. It did not move. It was hovering in place against ridiculously strong winds blowing from my left to my right. I watched this strange, hovering behaviour for approximately 2-3 mins. About 1 minute after I began watching this object, I said to my wife Connie, “Connie, check that out. There’s a UFO right there.“ I said it half-jokingly,
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